As a building owner, planner or green building auditor (DGNB, LEED, BREEAM), you will be confronted with the task of ecologically balancing buildings over their entire life cycle – from production to dismantling. The Online Software LCA Online is the solution we developed for you. Die Online-Software auf LCA Online bietet Ihnen die Möglichkeit Ökobilanzen ganzer Gebäude und Bauteile zu erstellen. We decided to implement an internet-based system which can be flexibly adjusted to your requirements, if requested. You can add individual data records and create products and elements from them yourself. Your advantages:
- Conducting life cycle assessments of any extend easily and quickly
- Performing verifications for life cycle assessments particularly for Green Building Certifications easily and quickly
- Using diverse assessment and depiction possibilities
- Decision guidance to choose building material and constructions
- Analyses for innovation opportunities and efficiency optimisation in building projects
- Appealing graphs and summaries that are suitable for customers
Our offer to you:
- Free registration and evaluation options as a PDF report
- No investment costs or ongoing fees
- Detailed Excel evaluation after completion of the project for a fee
- In your order, we are also happy to prepare life cycle assessments for your project
What the software offers:
- 1400 processes from Ökobau.dat in accordance with DIN EN 15804
- 1000 preconfigured products
- 50 preconfigured components
- preparation of further components
- Versatile evaluation options, creation of own evaluations
- Balancing at building level, component level or according to cost groups
- Evaluation according to DGNB, LEED, BREEAM
- Comparison of projects
Evaluated environmental impacts:
- Primary energy non-renewable (PEI n.r. [MJ]),
- Primary energy renewable (PEI r. [MJ]),
- Global warming potential (GWP [kg CO2 eq.),
- Ozone depletion potential (ODP [kg CFC11 eq.]),
- Photochemical ozone creation potential/Summer smog (POCP [kg C2H2 eq.]),
- Acid potential (AP [kg SO2 eq.]),
- Eutrophication potential (EP [kg PO4 eq.]),
- Abiotic Depletion Potential of fossil fuels (ADPF [MJ]),
- Abiotic depletion potential for elements (ADPE [kg Sb-eq.]),
- Freshwater resources (WF [m³]).
If desired, we extend the evaluated environmental impacts according to your needs.
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