The Level(s) assessment- and report-frame offers a common basis at EU level to make sustainability of buildings measurable. It considers the following categories:
- Greenhouse- and air containment emissions along the life cycle
- Ressource-efficient and circular material life cycle
- Efficient use of water ressources
- Healthy and comfortable rooms
- Adjustment and resilience to climate change
- Optimised life cycle costs and value
The Online Software LCA Online offers you the possibility to analyse and document your building’s greenhouse gas potential according to Level(s).
Your advantages:
- Quick and easy preparation of life cycle assessments according to Level(s) for every volume
- Using diverse assessment and depiction possibilities
- Decision guidance to choose building material and constructions
Level(s) indicator 1.2: Life cycle Global Warming Potential (GWP)
This indicator aims to quantify a building’s contribution to the global warming potential (GWP) along its life cycle from “cradle” (extraction of resources used during the construction of the building) to “grave” (removal of the building) and its dealing with the building material, i.e. retrieval, reuse, recycling and disposal.
This indicator merges the CO2-emissions contained in the building material with the direct and indirect CO2 emissions arising from usage (e.g. energy and water usage). Cradle-to-Grave-Thinking allows for building design solutions that seek the optimal balance between the contained carbon and the carbon emissions during the usage phase. Especially with embodied carbon, it is important to realise that buildings are a substantial material bank, because for decades they are a stock for carbon-intensive resources which create life.
This indicator measures the greenhouse gas emissions (GHG) of different phases of the life cycle associated with the building. Hence, it measures the building’s contribution to emissions, which add to global warming, and the associated effects on climate change. This is also called carbon footprint assessment.
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