The “Gebäudeenergiegesetz” – GEG (a German law concerning building energy) will combine the “Energieeinsparverordnung” (EnEV) (a German act concerning energy saving) and the “Erneuerbare-Energien-Wärmegesetz” (EEWärmeG) (a German act concerning the usage of renewable energies in the heat sector). One goal of this is to reach a climate-neutral stock of buildings in Germany until 2050. Using different measures for energy efficiency and the renewable energies, it is already possible to operate a building climate neutral – and hence also carbon neutral – as well as economically.
Buildings that demonstrably include, implement and succeed with the requirements of climate neutrality for building operation can get the DGNB “Climate Positive” award. At first, the award is valid for one year but it can be prolonged by an ongoing monitoring of the balance data.
Your advantages with LCA online:
- easy proof for climate neutral operation
- ongoing monitoring of the balance data
- predefined analysis possibilities according DGNB
We are happy to consult you if you have any questions concerning the award “Climate Positive” or the DGNB in general.
Phone +49 711 62049-342