Do you have any questions?
Certifications are not easy. If you have a problem, why don’t you look in our little collection of questions we are often asked by our customers. You cannot find an answer to your question? Do not hesitate to call us!
We are looking forward to coming in contact with you.
- May I use the software as proof for a DGNB certification?
- On which life cycle assessment data sets is LCA Online based on?
- May users contribute to the further development of LCA Online?
- Is there a manual for the application of the software?
- How can product manufacturers use LCA Online?
- May I interchange my life cycle assessments with other users?
- How much is the application of LCA Online?
- Is it possible to use raw data to generate my own graphs?
- Is it possible to use LCA Online with life cycle assessment data of other countries?
- Is it possible to use LCA Online in other languages?
- The work surface is not shown completely.
1. May I use the software as proof for a DGNB certification?
Yes. The Software offers all possibilities to create a material life cycle assessment which answer the DGNB requirements of the criterion ENV 1.1 and ENV 2.1. The data basis and calculation procedure meet the DGNB standards The software allows the realisation of comprehensible evaluations and printouts that are essential for the submission. However, it is the responsibility of the person preparing the life cycle assessment to prepare the assessment correctly, take the DGNB standards into account and choose a proper depiction of the results. High Flexibility is one of the features of LCA Online. Users can create their own balances from the level of basis data sets up to whole buildings. This flexibility requires a deeper knowledge about balancing. We offer trainings, to give you security with life cycle assessment according to DGNB requirements.
The same applies for life cycle assessment for LEED and BREEAM projects.
2. On which life cycle assessment datasets is LCA-Online based on?
The data basis are the Ökobau.dat data sets by the Federal Ministry for Housing and Urban Development. These life cycle assessments are implemented in the software. For the correct interpretation and application of the data records, you can download the Ökobau.dat in xml format from
download. There you can find background information about the balancing procedures of the individual datasets. Only in due consideration and notice of this background data of the Ökobau.dat datasets a correct life cycle assessment can be generated.
The data records can be selected according to DIN EN 15804+A2 and DIN EN 15804+A1.
3. May users contribute to the further development of LCA Online?
As registered user, you have the possibility to send use the feedback form and send us any hints, improvement suggestions and wishes at any time. Use the button at the tool’s header to get to the feedback form. We are happy to include your suggestions. LCA Online is characterised by a very flexible core system, which can be adapted to new needs at any time. So, we ensure a sustainable platform for you.
4. Is there a manual for the application of the software?
Yes. In the work environment, you can find the button “short instruction” in the header. Here you may download the instruction as a pdf file.
5. How can product manufacturers use LCA Online?
There are two possible ways for manufacturers to use LCA Online. One the one hand, you can generate your own analyses, just as any other user. You may, for example, compare products, in order to evaluate the quality of your own products. On the other hand, we offer manufacturers a further possibility to create an added value at project handling for your customers and advertise for the products at the same time. This happens by listing the own life cycle assessed products in the online software. So, the manufacturers have the, up to now, unique opportunity to supply their customers with the life cycle assessment of their products in a utilisabe form. Our software users can very simply include the products in their building life cycle assessment. Hence, LCA Online is a presentation platform for manufacturers. The online software further allows to provide any number of additional information about the products. If you, as manufacturer, want to use LCA Online to present your products to architects, planners and DGNB auditors, do not hesitate to contact us. We will find a solution that is suitable for you.
6. May I interchange my life cycle assessments with other users?
In the future, we wan to enhance LCA Online in a way that not only employees of one company, but even further, already generated projects or preconfigured products or elements can be interchanged. So, generating life cycle assessments will be even more efficient, as one can take recourse to the data and knowledge of other users. If you already require such a function, please contact us.
7. How much is the application of LCA Online?
The registration is free. Therewith, you may only generate limited pdf reports with a watermark. An unrestricted usage is fee-based and allows for a complete report, as well as an excel-analysis for a transparent and comprehensible depiction of the results. The format is also suitable for your own analysis and adaptations.
For activation, you can top up your credit in your account. According to the project scope, individual costs emerge.
Hence, we offer you the advantage that the fees only become due after working on the project. And only, if you want to present the results for commercial purposes to your customers.
How are the projects billed?
You top up your credit in your registered account.
If you want to generate a pdf printout or copy data, you need to activate the project. By activation, the project fee will be withdrawn from your credit.
How much is a project?
We charge the projects according to their scope. The fee depends on the amount of balanced products within the project. For each product, we charge 4€. Im Falle, dass Sie Projekte mit einer großen Anzahl von Produkten (>150 Produkte) bilanzieren, kann der Höchstbetrag von 600€ in keinem Fall überschritten werden. Sie habe die volle Kostenkontrolle.
Sample calculation:
In Ihrem Projekt sind 30 Bauteile mit je 5 Produkten enthalten. Das bedeutet Sie haben insgesamt 150 Produkte abgebildet. Daraus ergeben sich Kosten von 600€ für Sie.
Your advantages:
- No investment costs
- No annual licence fee
- No single-user licence
- Complete cost control
- Free updates
You need support with the life cycle assessment?
We are happy to generate the whole building life cycle assessment for your projects, create various analyses and consider project comparisons, component variants or life cycle optimisations. If required, please contact us and we will supply you with an individual offer for your needs.
8. Is it possible to use raw data to generate my own graphs?
Yes. You are not limited to the evaluations and diagrams by LCA Online. You may, for example, mark the shown chart and copy it with a right-click. You can copy this data in excel with the function “Paste Special – Text”. Then you can perform your own diagrams and analyses there. This allows for a demand-actuated depiction of the results.
9. Is it possible to use LCA Online with life cycle assessment data of other countries?
Yes. The flexible core system allows for a national adaptation of the data basis and the consideration of new environmental impacts or indicators. If you need an adaption for other nations, please contact us.
10. Is it possible to use LCA Online in other languages?
We are planning a multilingual application. Contact us, if you need an adjustment of the language.
11. The work surface is not shown completely.
If you use the Internet Explorer as browser, it is possible that the work surface is not shown completely or that some of the features are not available yet. Hence, we suggest using the browsers Mozilla Firefox, Google Chrome or Safari.
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